A Great Place to Work
Is a Great Place to Grow.

A recent study by McKinsey reported that even after very basic training sessions, adults typically retain just 10% of what they hear in classroom lectures, versus nearly two-thirds when they learn by doing. With the Palæstra approach to in-house coaching, ongoing rhythms keep you "on the mat" week-to-week. By building the coaching competency of the team itself, we assure that everyday business challenges create the context for a dynamic process of action learning, performance improvement & organizational change. Beyond extrinsic bonuses & benefits like free food, onsite gyms, or flexible PTO policies, it is intrinsic motivation - learning and growing together for its own sake - that helps people feel connected and fulfilled at work.





Exec Team Assessment

Strategic Planning
Exec Team Development



Strategic Meeting

L&D Modules



Week 1:
Group Coaching

Week 2:
1:1 Exec Coaching
Peer Coaching



Tactical Meeting
Live Feedback


"I learned more here in my first 2 months of onboarding than I did in 6 years at my previous employer."

– New hire


Leaders Go First.

Without a systemic change in organization and culture even participants who graduate from long-term leadership trainings or university programs are left to return to the same workplace dynamics only to fall back into old habits. Palæstra's in-house coaching approach assures that people development plays a permanent and strategic role in the organization – starting with leadership. 

Palaestra Leadership Engagement Rollout (Simple).jpg

Change Your Whole Game:
Take a Time Out

Professional athletes maintain a healthy practice-to-performance ratio, taking regular time out for practice, rest and recovery. Palæstra's quarterly executive team retreats give you regular "time outs" to work on the fundamentals that will change your whole game. Each offsite features strategic planning work ON the business in addition to leadership development work ON the team. Our clients hold these offsites as “sacred ground” that has the power to transform executive team dynamics for good.


Learn more about how we measure client Results

Palæstra's executive retreats are hosted offsite in the world-famous Santa Barbara Riviera

Palæstra's executive retreats are hosted offsite in the world-famous Santa Barbara Riviera